State Fair fun: Minnesota by the numbers
A crowd packs onto the street on the opening day of the Minnesota State Fair on Thursday, Aug 22, 2019.
Photo: Christine T. Nguyen | MPR News
State Fair fun: Minnesota by the numbers
The APM Research Lab’s world headquarters is in Minnesota, and our state fair is a great state fair! This fair season we are teaming up with our colleagues at MPR News to offer two fact-filled quizzes to test your knowledge about Minnesota—by the numbers. While not everyone is lucky enough to get their face carved in butter, anyone can demonstrate their love for facts.
Rock the quiz, get some swag!
We will be at the Fair’s Dan Patch Park on Friday, August 30, as a part of MPR day at the Fair. If you’d like some APM Research Lab swag, come and find us there:
Bring your quiz results to Dan Patch Park that day, and we’ll outfit you with a “Fact Fan” button.
Or take the quiz when you are there and win a button or a notebook.
Or do both and impress the fair crowd with all of your knowledge you’ll gain from taking it ahead of time! (It’s only cheating if they catch you.)